A native of Taiwan, Ying-Ching started learning the flute and piano at the age of 8, and has been in the specialised music class since elementary school. She received her Bachelor degree in Flute Performance from University of Taipei, and will commence her Master’s degree in Flute Performance at Taipei National University of the Arts(TNUA). She was previously under the tutelage of Pi-Chen Yang, Sabina Shu-Chun Chiang.
Ying-Ching has won many prizes in numerous Taiwan flute competitions, and was even awarded the 3rd Prize of the open category in the 3rd Flute Festival Singapore 2012. Ying-Ching was enrolled into the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) Academy in 2013 and graduated with distinction in diploma in 2015.
During her Bachelor degree studies, Ying-Ching also had the pleasure to play in various masterclasses for many renowned flautists such as; William Bennett, Denis Bouriakov, Lorna McGee, Wolfgang Renner, Amy Porter, Thomas Prevost and Kim Chang-Kook. In 2013, Ying-Ching attended William Bennett’s 27th International Flute Summer School in Italy, and had intensive masterclasses and lessons with Wibb, Denis and Lorna.
Ying-Ching is also actively performing in Taiwan/Taipei. Besides holding recitals in 2009 and 2014, she has also played as the Principal Flute in the University of Taipei Symphony Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra(NSO) Academy.
Ying-Ching auditioned for National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (NTSO) in 2015 and is the only flautist under the reserved list.
陳瀅晴 1992年出生於台灣,台中市。畢業於台中市光復國小音樂班,台中市曉明女子高級中學音樂班國中部及高中部。畢業於台北市立大學音樂系,主修長笛。曾師事楊璧甄教授,現師事江淑君教授。 曾獲英國長笛大師威廉˙班乃特(William Bennett),長笛魔術師丹尼斯˙布列柯夫(Denis Bouriakov),匹茲堡交響樂團首席羅娜˙麥吉(Lorna McGee),維也納仁韋光(Wolfgang Renner),美國長笛女王愛咪˙波特(Amy Porter),法國國家交響樂團長笛首席湯馬斯˙佛珮斯(Thomas Prevost),東京藝術大學名譽教授金昌國(Kim Chang-Kook)等大師指導。 曾多次以首席身分參與校內樂團演出 曾參與台大交響樂團,新逸交響樂團,國家交響樂團 (NSO)演出。 *得獎經歷 2002年原笙音樂教育聯盟舉辦<2003夏令營獎學金全國音樂大賽>中區國小音樂班長笛組第一名 2002年史坦巴哈全國音樂大賽中區五縣市長笛少年科班第一名 2006年台灣區音樂比賽台中市市賽長笛獨奏國中音樂班組第三名 2008年台灣區全國音樂比賽台中市市賽長笛獨奏高中音樂班組第一名 2009年六月於曉明女中舉辦個人音樂會 2011年台北市立教育大學管樂組協奏比賽第三名 2012年台灣區全國音樂比賽台北市市賽長笛獨奏大專組第二名 2012年隨台北市立大學於國家音樂廳演出,擔任中的長笛獨奏(Bird) 2012年赴新加坡參加<3rd Flute Festival Singapore>榮獲第三名並獲現任Metropolitan Opera House首席 Denis Bouriakov極力讚許 2013年赴義大利參加William Bennett暑假音樂營 2013年考進國家交響樂團(NSO)學苑,為學苑樂團團員 2014年於台北市立大學舉辦個人獨奏會 2014年赴新加坡參加第五屆長笛藝術節,以重奏者及優勝者身分演出 2015年於國家交響樂團 (NSO) 學苑畢業並取得團員培訓證書。 2015年考取國立台北藝術大學管樂與擊樂研究所 台北市立大學音樂系研究所榜首 2015年考取國立台灣交響樂團(NTSO)長笛唯一預備團員
A native of Taiwan, Ying-Ching started learning the flute and piano at the age of 8, and has been in the specialised music class since elementary school. She received her Bachelor degree in Flute Performance from University of Taipei, and will commence her Master’s degree in Flute Performance at Taipei National University of the Arts(TNUA). She was previously under the tutelage of Pi-Chen Yang, Sabina Shu-Chun Chiang.
Ying-Ching has won many prizes in numerous Taiwan flute competitions, and was even awarded the 3rd Prize of the open category in the 3rd Flute Festival Singapore 2012. Ying-Ching was enrolled into the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) Academy in 2013 and graduated with distinction in diploma in 2015.
During her Bachelor degree studies, Ying-Ching also had the pleasure to play in various masterclasses for many renowned flautists such as; William Bennett, Denis Bouriakov, Lorna McGee, Wolfgang Renner, Amy Porter, Thomas Prevost and Kim Chang-Kook. In 2013, Ying-Ching attended William Bennett’s 27th International Flute Summer School in Italy, and had intensive masterclasses and lessons with Wibb, Denis and Lorna.
Ying-Ching is also actively performing in Taiwan/Taipei. Besides holding recitals in 2009 and 2014, she has also played as the Principal Flute in the University of Taipei Symphony Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra(NSO) Academy.
Ying-Ching auditioned for National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (NTSO) in 2015 and is the only flautist under the reserved list.
陳瀅晴 1992年出生於台灣,台中市。畢業於台中市光復國小音樂班,台中市曉明女子高級中學音樂班國中部及高中部。畢業於台北市立大學音樂系,主修長笛。曾師事楊璧甄教授,現師事江淑君教授。 曾獲英國長笛大師威廉˙班乃特(William Bennett),長笛魔術師丹尼斯˙布列柯夫(Denis Bouriakov),匹茲堡交響樂團首席羅娜˙麥吉(Lorna McGee),維也納仁韋光(Wolfgang Renner),美國長笛女王愛咪˙波特(Amy Porter),法國國家交響樂團長笛首席湯馬斯˙佛珮斯(Thomas Prevost),東京藝術大學名譽教授金昌國(Kim Chang-Kook)等大師指導。 曾多次以首席身分參與校內樂團演出 曾參與台大交響樂團,新逸交響樂團,國家交響樂團 (NSO)演出。 *得獎經歷 2002年原笙音樂教育聯盟舉辦<2003夏令營獎學金全國音樂大賽>中區國小音樂班長笛組第一名 2002年史坦巴哈全國音樂大賽中區五縣市長笛少年科班第一名 2006年台灣區音樂比賽台中市市賽長笛獨奏國中音樂班組第三名 2008年台灣區全國音樂比賽台中市市賽長笛獨奏高中音樂班組第一名 2009年六月於曉明女中舉辦個人音樂會 2011年台北市立教育大學管樂組協奏比賽第三名 2012年台灣區全國音樂比賽台北市市賽長笛獨奏大專組第二名 2012年隨台北市立大學於國家音樂廳演出,擔任中的長笛獨奏(Bird) 2012年赴新加坡參加<3rd Flute Festival Singapore>榮獲第三名並獲現任Metropolitan Opera House首席 Denis Bouriakov極力讚許 2013年赴義大利參加William Bennett暑假音樂營 2013年考進國家交響樂團(NSO)學苑,為學苑樂團團員 2014年於台北市立大學舉辦個人獨奏會 2014年赴新加坡參加第五屆長笛藝術節,以重奏者及優勝者身分演出 2015年於國家交響樂團 (NSO) 學苑畢業並取得團員培訓證書。 2015年考取國立台北藝術大學管樂與擊樂研究所 台北市立大學音樂系研究所榜首 2015年考取國立台灣交響樂團(NTSO)長笛唯一預備團員